Businesses these days use Instagram for marketing purposes in order to increase sales on the markets. Sometimes, brands investing their money on buying followers and likes to get high conversion rates. On the other hand, they don’t give better results while promoting a brand or service. Not only that, businesses may likely to lose their brand reputation that will affect the growth. A recently survey says that there are nearly 50 million fake followers who are very active on Instagram. Therefore, it is necessary to know how to increase genuine followers that can help gain more advantages.

Here are some tips businesses should follow to generate real followers when it comes to Instagram marketing.

  1. Cross-promoting dedicated hash tags

A business should make sure that hash tags are visible on its profile that can help reach the audience with ease. Moreover, it should also give more importance to offline marketing activities apart from online activities. Businesses should consider using their hash tags on television and other social marketing channels for obtaining optimal results. In fact, they should integrate both online and offline campaigns that can improve the business.

  1. Getting creative with hash tags

Since Instagram captions play an important role in enhancing the brand reputation, it is necessary to mix up them with innovative ideas to tell their story. A business should consider creating creative hash tags in Instagram marketing for achieving better results.

  1. Creating descriptive captions

Although pictures speak more than words on Instagram marketing, a business can’t skip the words completely. Hence, it is imperative to market a brand by using story telling along with high-quality photos. Besides that, businesses should focus on creating descriptive captions while marketing a product or service.

  1. Developing own Instagram styles

A business should choose own Instagram styles in marketing activities which can help target the audience significantly. Nowadays, there are several tools available for this purpose that enable businesses to grab the attention of customers to a large extent. Creating unique content and photos will help a business to stand out from the crowd on the markets. Furthermore, they contribute more to create impacts on real followers significantly.

  1. Making the most out of bio URL

Businesses should link their website URL on Instagram profile which gives ways to increase real followers. In addition to that, it allows customers to get more details about a product or service enabling them to make a purchase .